Community Spotlight: Steff Sullivan

Community Spotlight: Steff Sullivan

We wanted to learn a little bit more about the community surrounding Brooklyn Bicycle Co. bikes, so we created a section of our journal dedicated to some of the people we’ve been fortunate to call our customers.

Each month we feature a different member of the Brooklyn Bicycle Co. community and share what makes them tick. Read on to learn about the most recent member of our community spotlight...


Steff Sullivan Brooklyn Bicycle Co

Steff Sullivan - RN, Fitness Instructor, & Entrepreneur

Where do you call home and explain some of your favorite things about your community?

I originally grew up in a very small town in the Kawartha Lakes called Bethany. Riding bikes was a daily after school activity..we’d ride up and down my driveway and my neighbours like a halfpipe, racing, making obstacle courses and having way too much fun. Now, home is Toronto, where I was born. I came back after I graduated university to start my career as a nurse over 5 years ago and haven’t left since! I live in an amazing bustling area on the west side of Toronto between two incredible communities of Parkdale and Liberty Village - both filled with many young, forward thinking people. Even though I live in a big city being part of these two tight knit communities I still feel like I live in a small town. There are so many amazing initiatives going on, teams, community events and incredible opportunities to tap into!


Can you tell us about what makes you a “fitnursepreneur”? What do you do day-to-day that makes you… you?

The term fitnursepreneur (also my Instagram handle) represents the three things I “do”. Fit - which represents my love for staying active starting at a young age playing sports, dancing & running track. In university this progressed to joining the varsity lacrosse team where my love for fitness grew even more, and now, I am a fitness instructor and get the pleasure of helping others sweat, move their bodies and clear their minds. Nurse - which represents the natural healer in me, the giver & the nurturer. I specialized in women & infants health and currently work in fertility medicine. Preneur - the final portion of the name represents my business mindset. In university I started an eco-friendly residential cleaning company, then a social marketing wellness business, and as of late I am working on a new project helping others find what self-care means to them while running a holistic wellness focused blog.

Day to day you can find me doing one (or all) of the above things, taking care of my large plant collection, cooking up nourishing meals or hanging out with friends and family. Quality time & connectedness is extremely important to me as an extrovert, but I also love to recharge solo with quiet nights to myself. Self-care and my wellness is top priority in my life so much of what I “do” is focused on those values.


Steff Sullivan Brooklyn Bicycle Co


What impact has biking had on your lifestyle?

Biking has impacted my life in more ways than one. To start, of course, the physical aspect. On average I commute anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes a day via bicycle which is an incredible way to start my day with gentle movement heading into work or to teach a class. Not to mention the amount of time I save. Toronto’s traffic can be brutal but cycling cuts my commutes down almost in half. I also save around $250 a month when cycling as it is my main method of transportation (and helps lessen my environmental impact, too!).

But it’s not all positive either. Toronto is not the safest city to cycle in, and unfortunately a few years ago I got in an accident due to a streetcar track landing me a broken arm in two places and a damaged knee - which to this day causes me issues. Riding in our city requires being on high alert at all times, knowing your hand signals and of course having a great helmet, something that is a non-negotiable for me. Unfortunately, I do not ride all year long but I generally get 8 months of appropriate weather which I am so grateful for.


Run us through your perfect Saturday biking around your hometown.

Packing up a bag with gym clothes & some snacks and heading out to a morning workout class. Afterwards, biking over to meet a friend for brunch or a morning smoothie. Then, enjoying a ride through Queen West and Trinity Bellwoods - two areas I love to cycle paths, nature, sunshine and no schedule to follow make for the perfect midday strolls around the city.

Steff Sullivan Brooklyn Bicycle Co


What Brooklyn Bicycle Co. bike do you ride? What made you choose this specific model?

After my accident ruined my last bike, I finally committed to a ride I could depend on. I knew it was time to invest in a  good quality bike so I shopped around for something that would be perfect for commuting around Toronto, reliable & also stylish..of course. My local bike shop Metro Cycle helped me pick out my Brooklyn Bicycle Co. bike - the Roebling. The fact that it is a hybrid is perfect for me and the puncture proof tires have saved me SO many times I lost count..there is so much broken glass in this city and I’ve never had to change a tire! This bike takes me from fitness instructor, to nurse to entrepreneur and everything in between.


Steff Sullivan Brooklyn Bicycle Co


Share something that you are really excited about right now. Could be a favorite book, recipe, cocktail, movie, etc. 

Right now I am so excited that fall is upon us. It’s my favourite time to pause, rest, reflect & reevaluate. With just a few months until the snow hits and the new year is upon us, it's a perfect opportunity to take a breath. Fittingly, I am reading a great book called “Do Less” by Kate Northrup. It’s titled for mom’s, but the way she discusses societal expectations and how we really are all doing way too much, is really resonating with me. To some, doing less may elicit fear of falling behind, failure or stress - but to me, it’s about approaching our life in a different way. Choosing things that fill us up, saying no and creating boundaries and giving ourselves the extra love we deserve without sacrificing our health for our dreams.

Steph rides a Roebling

We build bikes for vivid lives—for taking adventures, reconnecting with old friends, discovering new neighborhoods and exploring hidden gems. Inspired by the streets of Brooklyn, our bikes are built for style, comfort, and durability. Made with top quality parts, crafted with care, and sold at an affordable price, your bike is yours for life. We scrutinize every component for maximum sustainability and performance, and every millimeter of the frame for ultimate comfort and style. We take pride in our process, in our products, and in the people who sell them.